Mitzi Morris


128 East 7th St, Apt 5, New York, NY 10009, USA


Current Employment: Senior Staff Programmer

2017 – present
Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, Columbia University, New York, NY

Member of the core development team for Stan, an open-source probabilistic programming language for statistical modeling. Member of the Stan Governing Body.

  • Developed new features in C++ and wrote a Python interface for the Stan inference engine.
  • Collaborated with epidemiologists on Bayesian models for disease data analysis.
  • Presented at workshops and conferences on probabilistic programming and statistical modeling.

Selected Past Employment

  • Lucidworks, San Francisco, CA (2014–2016):
    Technical Writer – Wrote blogposts and user manuals for Lucidworks Fusion, a search and analytics system built on Apache Spark and Solr.
  • self employed (2013):
    Wrote Text Processing in Java, covering multilingual text analysis, search, and classification techniques using Lucene and Solr.
  • Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University, NY (2011–2012):
    Programmer/Analyst (Bioinformatics) – Developed Java programs for analysis of free-text medical notes using Lucene and MySQL.
  • AT&T Research, NJ (2012):
    Software Engineer (Contractor) – Built a RESTful API for product search using Lucene and Solr.
  • Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, NYU, NY (2009–2011):
    Programmer/Analyst (Genomics) – Analyzed large-scale genomic datasets using Java, R, and Python for the modENCODE project (C. elegans).
  • Columbia Genome Center, Columbia University, NY (2002–2004):
    Senior Programmer/Analyst – Developed text processing workflows for Geneways using Java and MySQL.
  • Alias-i, NY (2008):
    Software Engineer – Developed “LingMed,” a Java-based system to annotate and cross-reference genes and diseases across MEDLINE articles.
  • CHILDES Project, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (1990–1993):
    Research Programmer – Developed software for annotation of natural language corpora.


  • Languages: Python, C++, Java, R, Shell scripting
  • Tools: Stan, Lucene, MySQL, Git, Quarto
  • Methods: Bayesian modeling, NLP, data analysis, scalable text processing

Selected Publications


Coursework in Statistics
Coursework in CS and Mathematics
M.A. in Linguistics
B.A. in French with Honors

Columbia University, NYU
Carnegie Mellon University
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Michigan